Wohoo i got Otos!


Jun 30, 2004
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I got 4 Otos today for £7 quid which i thought was very good. They are not the regular Otos either they are darker and dont have as much white on them as normal ones.

They are already exploring the tank by themselves. :)

I hope they dont die in the first couple of weeks.
well I hope you have better luck than I did, I had 3 zebra otos that I only had for 3 weeks the 3 of them all died within 2 days of each other for no aparent reason that I could guess about. Good luck with them
I got them from my LFS in East Anglia. Bit far fom Scotland :p
nitro said:
I got them from my LFS in East Anglia. Bit far fom Scotland :p
Not too far for me though!
It seems like there's load of East Anglians on this forum sometimes.
Where did you find these bargain otos?
Hi, well the bloke who works there did me a deal because he siad they were 3 for £5 but i wanted 4 so he thought about it and said he would do 4 for £7.

I will PM you the name of the shop. I think you or the misses has asked me the name of this shop before.

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