Fish Crazy
Bettas love bloodworms! But my betta doesn't. Firebolt used to love them, but not the new guy. I put some in front of him, but he didn't even make a go for them. That's a waste, cause I bought a whole box of them, freeze-dried. Guess i'll have to give them to my friend to feed their fish. Now I know that bettas really DO have their own tastes and personalities! Unlike other fish, who will all eat everything their supposed to, not that that's a bad thing.
I guess just pellets are just fine, cause they are convinient and don't cost much. No need to worry about leftover bloodworms polluting your tank anymore. At least it's better than a betta ONLY accepting bloodworms and and refusing the pellets. That's a nightmare.
But i'm still wondering....if I only feed a betta pellets, will it not be good, since they need natural food once in a while? I have two different brands of pellets compatible for bettas, so that there is variety, but I still worry.