Wish Me Luck!


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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I know I have been absent as of late - - reading mostly, posting sometimes....but it has been for good reasons - -

I am getting married :) The wedding is now 2 days away, Saturday May 21 2011 - So I am officially signing off from forums until after the wedding....
I am an earlier riser and the fiance/soon to be hubby is a late sleeper, so I will sneak on my cell phone in the early am to check some posts...I admit, it is an addiction!

The future mother in law is staying at our place to take care of cats and tanks - - all in all, 3 cats, 12 frogs, 2 axolotls, and 4 fish (2 goldfish - 1 comet and 1 fantail- and 2 clown plecs). She has 3 ACF so she knows their antics.

I typed up a care guide to make it easy.....came out to 5 pages! eek! All three of our cats have either medication or a special diet due to digestion issues....and then each tank is somewhat unique...so yea...lol.

Farewell! Talk to you all soon!!
Next time I post...I will be a Mrs!!!!
Congratulations Jenste!
Hope the day goes well for you and I wish you and your man many years of happiness :)
Hope you have a wonderful, memorable wedding day, Jenste!

Best wishes for a happy future (hope your hubby-to-be likes frogs LOL) - Athena
Oh congratulations! I love weddings! Hope you have a fabulous day and all the pictures come out gorgeous and nobody stands on your dress! :lol: and of course I hope it doesn't rain! :good:

How wonderful, Jenste! Best wishes for a very, very happy life together.
Hope you have a wonderful day, can we see a photo of you in your dress, when the deed is done pleeeese?

Seffie x

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