Wish me Luck!


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Dallas, TX
I am about 3/4 away from completing my transfer of my fish from my 75G to my 150G. I added a lot of gravel and the bio wheels from the old tank to the new tank. I also replanted all my plants. Hopefully i wont have any problems!

I am still scared to move my clown loaches, cause i know how skittish and susceptible to disease they are. They are the last fish i have to move.

Can i do anything else to make this transfer go more smoothly?
Here's wishing you luck, and sounds like you are being careful and thoughtful. I'm sure they will all just love the new digs...

I have used jars in the past. I bait the jar with a food the loach likes to eat and when it enters the jar i pick it up and transport the fish to its new digs. It takes patience and no quick movements and a dark jar really helps :D

A 150 gallon tank (i am drooling with envy) :nod:

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