Window Lickers


Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Wigan, England
I've had my 5 Neon Tetras and 3 Black Widow Tetras for 18 hours now, and they seem to be reluctant to explore my log and barrel, and stay by the edge of the glass, swimming along the glass, i'm a bit concerned, do any of you think there is anything wrong with them or are they just getting used to the tank?

Also one of my Neon's seems to be often separated from the group and frequently wondering off, also I think one of the other neons was having a bit of a peck at him.
Most fish will take a little time to settle into a new tank so I wouldnt worry unduly about that
If however a neon is being isolated from the group it may mean that he is ill.I would advise you to keep a close eye on the isolated neon.
Black widow tetra would survive a nuclear war IMO
Lol, well the lone neon seems to come back to the group now and again so I hope he isn't ill :)

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