Fish Crazy
Instead of trying to grow the beneficial bacteria, I can just get some. Like I mentioned in my last post, there was this fuzzy white fungus stuff everywhere in the water. Some were small, but the ones floating on the top are big. They also like to stick to the plants, and they are growing, even though I am doing water changes daily. I don't have time to wait weeks for the beneficial bacteria to come, because my betta will problebly die by then from the fungus growth. So I decided that I should give the tank a good hot water cleaning like I did last time, scrub the plants, and scrub the sides of the one gallon tank. Put everything back in, put the Tetra Aquasafe Dechlorinator in, add my betta, and then go to the LFS to get some gravel. Not the gravel you get in the packages, but wet gravel directly from the tanks they keep the fish in. I can sprinkle some gravel in the clean tank, and they will multiply. Soon, they will be in large numbers, and prevent the fungus and cloudiness from comming back once and for all. Will this work? What precautions and ways could I try to make it work? Thanks!