Will This Tanganyika Combo Work?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2009
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I am beginning to turn my 60 gallon tank (36x18x21) into africans, specifically lake tanganyika, and I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer some opinions on whether this combination of fish will work together. Note that if I was to purchase these, they would all be in the 1"-2" range, so for some, they'll have some growing to do.

2 Altolamprologus calvus Congo 'Black'
1 Altolamprologus compressiceps Kambwimba 'Yellow'
1 Altolamprologus compressiceps Muzi 'Gold Head'
1 Lamprologus similis (shell dweller)
2 Lamprologus meleagris 'Pearly Ocellatus' (shell dweller)
1 Lamprologus multifasciatus (shell dweller)
1 Julidochromis marlieri (rock dweller)
2 Neolamprologus tretocephalus (rock dweller)
1 Neolamprologus marunguensis Kapampa 'Blue Fin' (rock dweller)

After I put this list together, I got to doing a bit more research. I've read that you shouldn't keep altolamprologus with shellies as they eat them in the wild, which is unfortunate as I was interested in the shellies nearly as much as the altos. Has anyone had success keeping shellies with alto's, or will I be destined for failure with that setup. I'm not against dropping the shellies, however I might like to keep them if its a possibility.
Hi, I wouldn't want to put in to many mixes of shell dweller regardless of the size of tank, your Comps will eat any fry that are on offer. It's a good size tank , you could have Julis for rock dweller , think Transcriptus are one of the smaller ones, you could then add a shell dweller, Multis , Sims etc, then something for the open water, not sure on tank size for Paracyps, maybe one of the cichlid guys could help on that one later. If you really like comps then have a look at Altolamprologus Compressiceps "Sumbu"/"Shell", smaller than a comp, likes rocks and caves, females will use shells. OR what about Julidochromis Regani (nice and cilorful) and Lamrpologus Caudopunctatus (technically a rock dweller but spawns in shells :good:
It is a good list though, really fancid the black calvus myself but tank to tight, general rule with comps is if a fish wil fit in its mouth then dont add it lol, good mix of comps and a larger shell dweller ?

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