Will This Stocking Mix Work?


I'm a girl . . . yup, definitely a girl. =)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Cheyenne, WY
I have a 29gal bowfront tank that is currently a yellow lab species tank. I'm getting ready to set up a 75gal mbuna tank that I will move my labs into. That leaves me w/an empty tank, which is unacceptable. :) So, I thought I'd try a tetra tank. As I said, the tank is a 29gal bowfront w/a fluval 204 canister filter and a 100watt stealth heater. When I move out the labs it'll have small diameter gravel and a lot of silk plants (not quite ready for a real planted tank yet).

I was planning on putting in 6 lemon tetras, and 6 orange von rio tetras, there is also a rubbernose pleco already in the tank. Should I add anything else?

I don't mind overstocking a little as I'm used to that with the cichlids and I'm religious about water changes and filter maintenance. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks, Dawn
Well, I'd suggest you're better with a bigger shoal of one kind of fish as they will have more impact and more confident. Also, the tank would lack a "centre piece" fish - this may or may not bother you, it's purely personal choice on that score.
Having said that, 2 groups of 6 would be fine. I just reckon one group of 12 would be better...!
Sounds fine to me but personally i'd go with more colourful fish like cardinals and rummynose tetras. You could add some corys for the bottom or some khuli loaches so long as the gravel has no sharp edges.

Emma :D
I would be interested in a center piece fish, however I have no idea what to put in there. Any ideas? And the gravel I got is small and smooth, I saw some panda cories @ the LFS how many do you think I could add? And the fish I picked should be very colorful in the tank, from what I've read, they never reach their full coloration @ the store. Besides, a more subdued color would be a nice contrast for the cichlids I'm setting up in a 75gal. Thanks for your help -Dawn
If these are your first cories, I'd go with a hardier species. Pandas stay small--2" max but are touchy. Your plec should help keep the bottom of your tank tidy. I wait on the cories for a bit.

A nice small peaceful show fish is the Honey Gourami ( 1-1.5"). They become a nice round yellow disc when happy. The Honey gourami is a top fish. A male and two females would add a nice interest at the top of your tank and only about 3".

I am quite enamoured with the green fire Tetra (about 1"+.) These would look good with the slightly larger lemons. Of course a large school of the small neons for background is really a good touch. I am not familiar with the von rios. If you can get the green fire Tetras they would be nice with the orange and yellow. They are a lemon green with a shock of red on the anal section and tail and white fins.

My lemons all died when I moved, but I was quite fond of them, and they schooled nicely. I like to start my small school fish with at least 10 but 6 is good.

Harlequin Rasaboras are a nice small schooler too.

Cories are really best with at least 5. They are more confident and secure when there are 5 or more.
What cories would you suggest then? My lfs has quite a few speices, so if it's common I'm sure they have it. I had planned to add the cories after the tetras, they should be fine as it's an established tank that I'm moving the current inhabitants to a larger one. I do like the gouramis, however do you think they'll be ok w/the Fluval 204 (180gph)? It has a fairly fast current, and I've read gouramis don't like that. If they won't work what else would you suggest. Unfortunately my LFS doesn't have either the rasboras or green fire tetras, and I think I'd like to stick w/the 2 types of tetras w/a center piece fish so there isn't too much to distract the eye. I really do appreciate everyone's replys. Thanks Dawn

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