Will this setup work?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2005
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Ok I finally did it, I bought a tank. :flex:

I know many of you will frown at it but I bought a kit.
Here is what I have so far:

29 Gal tank
Hood with flourecent light
Aqua Tech 20-40 filter
100 watt Heater

I plan on getting pre-mixed water, 10 lbs of live rock, 16 lbs of live sand, and 20 lbs of dry sand at the LFS this weekend to get started.
The filter is just a regular fresh water filter, so do I need to do anything special to it or will it work for salt as well? I was thinking of replacing any media in the filter with foam pads that will be cleaned with my 10% water change every week.
I know it isn't much live rock to start with, but I will be adding more over time to get past the 30 lb mark.

So, am I missing anything? Will this work? What about cycling? What do I need to do in order to be able to put a fish or two in it in a couple weeks?

Any suggestions would be appreciated because I don't want to kill a fish before finding out I did something wrong. :-(
IF you are careful in obtaining quality cured liverock, this will speed you along.

IF I were you, I would take the light back and get some credit towards a power compact fixture though.

You will also want to invest in a couple of powerheads to aid in circulation.

I would run phos-ban in the filter at first to try and keep ahead of any new tank algae blooms.

And start shopping for a skimmer or other nutrient exporting system.


Ok, I plan to start setting things up this weekend, and I have a few questions:

My filter does 160 GPH so it says on the box. I plan on putting 10 lbs of cured liverock in there along with 20 lbs of live sand and 10 lbs of dry sand. Also a powerhead to get the water circulating.

Is my tank going to cycle, and if it does, how long does it usually take before you should add a shrimp or cleanup crew? How often do you test to see if it is cycling?

Also, since there won't be anything feeding the live rock, what should I feed it in the mean time?

Any other suggestions or critiques are welcome!

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