Will this mix work?


Fish Crazy
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
Vermont, US (yes, it's a state)
Currently, I have

3 dwarf blue/red gouramis
2 guppies
1 albino paradise fish
1 widemouth pleco (that is all it was listed in the store. anyone have another name as I can find no information about it or possibly a scientific name for it)

was thinking of getting

1 juliechromis (the one that is yellow and black, if that helps) gets 2.5"
1 brichardi (the one that is pale looking with yellow and blue outline) gets 3.9"

First off, I was curious in wondering if people think they would get along with the other fish and secondly I know the fish I have now take PH of 7.0-8.0. The other two fish I want take a recommended PH of 8.0-9.0. If the LFS has them in neutral ph water, could those 2 fish be alright with my other fish. I believe my PH is like 7.2-7.5.

It's never a good idea to mix africans with tropicals....they just don't make a good mix.

The brichardi will destroy everything you have in the tank in short order. These are best kept in species only tanks.

The julidochromis IMO would also create havoc on most, if not all the inhabitants you already have as well.

This, of course is JMO!!

I'm with CM. They brichardi will kill and destroy all.

The julidochromis will nip fins until nothing is left and the fishes die.

In both cases, you will soon have an african cichlid tank. Which certainly isn't bad at all!!!! If you want to add cichlids, look into a firemouth, krib, apisto, acara, or parrot(although i'm against em)
as far as why the lfs has the africans in the wrong ph :rolleyes: well to them theyy are just another item to sell so they don't really bother to adjust the ph in their tanks,they just use whatever comes out of the tap.
around here we don't do what the lfs does :lol: :lol: that'll get'cha burned :crazy:

if i were you i'd just do a whole'lotta research on different kinds of cichlids and their water requirements,it'l save a bunch of trouble/fish/money!

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