I've been having a huge problem with green hair algae and I've decided to try what was posted on a website: http
/fish.rabk.net/green_attack_mess.html to get rid of it.
According to this person they did the following:
What I did was put my live rock in a container with a heater at 80 degrees and a power head. My only question is do I need salt water or can I use non salt RO water or will this kill my live rock?
Thanks for any help.

According to this person they did the following:
Take as much live rocks out of the tank and into in a fresh batch of RO water in a trash canister. Put a max
jet pump into the trash canister and cover the can for two weeks. Most of the soft corals will just go
dormant, but the algae will die. Bwwaahhahaaha. I also scrubbed most of the algae away before putting it
into the canister and added several mithrax crab to the canister as well to finish off any last remnants.
What I did was put my live rock in a container with a heater at 80 degrees and a power head. My only question is do I need salt water or can I use non salt RO water or will this kill my live rock?
Thanks for any help.