Will This Be Okay For Now?


Fish Herder
Dec 24, 2010
Reaction score
UK - Carlisle
I've got a pretty weak looking female krib in my 55g due to the male, as that's only thing that attacks her.
Plan was to move out the male into another tank for a while but that tank is currently been used to treat some cory.

Once the Q tank is empty of the cory, i could put the male in and try get the female back into the 55g then put the male back too.
But for now as i dont think she can hold on much longer, any chance i could put her into a 20g for a few week with a male ram, few cory, cardinal, platy, danio?

Then again, that'll all depend on how the ram will react too? :shout:

Thanks peoples :good:
Should be fine, I have seen kribs and rams co-exist happily, although your ram will have a territory within the tank set up so i suggest moving stuff around and just keep an eye out :)hope she gets fit and healthy again!
You can but try, that's the only way to find out.

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