Will They Get On?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Walsall,West Midlands,UK
I have 2 tanks (see below) and I would like to up the numbers of my black phantoms to 6. Also corys to 5. Ideally I would also like to get the khulies in the sand tank too. To do this Ive got to make a little room, would my cherry barbs get on with my neons in the smaller tank? Thanks!
I have 2 tanks (see below) and I would like to up the numbers of my black phantoms to 6. Also corys to 5. Ideally I would also like to get the khulies in the sand tank too. To do this Ive got to make a little room, would my cherry barbs get on with my neons in the smaller tank? Thanks!

I would say so. I added 3 Cherry Barbs to my 14 Neon Tertas and so far, no problems. As I understand it, if the word "Tiger" is in the "barb", then no...probably not compatible...but I could be wrong in this. I jsut know I have had no problems with behaviour changes. Infact, they all school together.
2ft, 24 inches, cherries are like what 2 inches,yup it's plenty big in my reasoning, but I don't trust me so why should you.In other words, I might be wrong...or VERY wrong. Who knows?
i have successfully kept 5 neons and a male cherry barb in a 15 gal in the past, no problems what so ever, the barb even shoaled with the neons most of the time
Thanks this is all great news my 2 male cherrys are very red at moment only had them 2 months and I have seen eggs but no fry. They seem relly happy where they are but as long as they get on with the neons Im sure they will be just as happy in the other tank I can now go out and get 3 more black phantoms and when Ive found them some more cory sterbai. Thanks again :good:

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