Will These Medications Cure Callamanus Worms?


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hi everyone. 
30 gallon tank: 5 cory cats, 10 black neon tetras, 4 glowlight tetras, 7 harlequinn rasboras, 3 siamese algae eaters
Just to give quick background information of my situation. I was looking at my 30 gallon fish tank when I noticed that my black neon and glowlight tetras had a red line in its stomach and it looked like it was where the anus was. I compared mine to other glowlight tetras and black neon tetras on google images and there were no red lines of those fish pictured in google images. I figured it's callamanus worms because my betta had it and it was in the same tank as with my tetras. So far, I don't see any of the worms protruding from the tetras' anus. Every time I feed them, I see them still eating so I guess that's a good sign. Also, some of my cory cats have been acting very shy for a while now, hiding under many things. I think they're also infected as well since they used to be active. I didn't see any worms in my rasboras and hopefully it's not their colors that are preventing me from seeing the worms if they're present. I've done some research and some people recommended levimasole but I don't know where to get that so I'm try to get medications locally.
My question is do any of these medications work? Please feel free to share any experiences with dealing with callanamus worms. 
I've tried taking a pic but all of them turned out badly so I downloaded a pic from google images and drew a red line to illustrate my observations from my tank.


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Id say yes to the tetra para guard. It is quite efective.
word of reminder: The siamese algae eaters will make your tank a living hell in the future
DerpPH said:
word of reminder: The siamese algae eaters will make your tank a living hell in the future
Unlikely; I think you're thinking of Chinese algae eaters. The Siamese stay peaceful

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