Will these fish work together???


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
I'm restocking my tank when I change my tank to sand in a few weeks and I have a few fish in mind... how will they be together?

I am thinking of a pair of Rams, a pair of Angels, maybe some Kribs. I would like to have some gouramis too. Maybe 2 pairs dwarf and some paradise fish.

I have only kept Platies, danios and barbs before, and don't know much about chichlids.

Well my kribs, angels and Bolivian rams get along fine (+keyholes) But I remember when my angel fish were small the kribs used to beat them a bit so i grew them out in another tank they are now bigger than the kribs so no fights !!
I would only worry about the kribs, if you are unlucky you might get an agressive one ! And i would have thought that Paradise fish would kill Gourami they have quite an attitude but I am not an expert on those fish! :) Hope this helps
aloaring said:
Well my kribs, angels and Bolivian rams get along fine (+keyholes) But I remember when my angel fish were small the kribs used to beat them a bit so i grew them out in another tank they are now bigger than the kribs so no fights !!
I would only worry about the kribs, if you are unlucky you might get an agressive one ! And i would have thought that Paradise fish would kill Gourami they have quite an attitude but I am not an expert on those fish! :) Hope this helps
Paradise fish are a very complicated fish to keep in my opinion, they are usually best kept as singles, and only 1 male, as he will attact his gf all the time until she either gives him children or dies.

my suggestion if you are keen to keep paradise fish in your tank is to only keep 1 male, and use alot of plants for him to go and hide in when hes sulking.

a healthy male paradise fish will be very friendly towards you, and when you enter the room the tank is in he will often come to the front of the tank to greet you, which ive always loved about them!

Female paradise fish are usually alot less colourful, and have shorter fins. they are usually very sulky, unless with their male, (who she will spend alot of time being chased by, but she will sulk without him). A clear sign that she is sulking and desperately wants her male back, is when she wont eat, sits on the bottom of the tank, and just withers away really. she will also become very dark in colouring.

i would strongly reccomend if you have decided to keep a pair, to heavily plant (to the point that there are so many hiding places you find it hard to find your fish) and to keep an eye on them, as the male will dominate her and chase her when they come into contact with each other.

keeping paradise fish in pairs can often be a nitemare, but it can be done. but if you have never kept them before, and are abit worried about how they are likely to behave i would advise you to only keep a male, as he will be happy all day long aslong as you go into the room with the tank and say hello to him. :D

i hope this helps, but whatever you decide to do, keep us posted!
I have never kept any of these fish before. Only Barbs and Platties. I have always loved the look of these fish, and thought now was the time to give them a shot.

I think I'll hold off on the Paradise Fish for a while, until I get used to the other fish.

Thanks for all your help... can you think of any other fish that would look nice with angels, rams and kribs? Smaller sized though, as my tank is only 35 gal.


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