Will These Fish Hold Up


New Member
May 11, 2006
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i know these fish are said to be hardy...but in the other topic i posted on this page my tanks average temp is about 79-81 F. so i was wondering if a decoy scorpion, wart skin angler, and a fu manchu lion would all be able to live pretty comfortable with not much stress due to the temp of the water. thanks for any help.
I would be wary of the angler with the lion. The lion will do very well to get to 5", and the frogfish (Antennarius Multiocellatus) should get to that size or larger (a number of sites say up to 8"). Most frogfish will easily eat fish their own size and some up to twice as large (and this species is listed as one that can swallow fish twice its size).

Really all frogfish should be species tanks as anything they can't eat is likely to eat/pick at the frog. It also makes target feeding easier as well.

The decoy scorpion (Iracundus signifier) is also a smaller growing fish that would again be at risk from the frogfish.

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