Will These 2 Groups Of Fish Get On

Mr Spoon

Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
East Sussex
I got 9 tiger barbs in 190L tank and wanted to put 6 silver tip tetras in with them. Does anyone know if this will work? Thanks - Spoon
Is the tank planted?

It will probably work. In theory, the two groups should keep to themselves and not mix. Problems with tiger barbs normally arise when they are not kept in a school. Silvertips are generally considered to be more aggressive then most tetras so should be able to look after themselves.
Thanks Kat, what you said confirms what I was thinking. The tank is well planted.
Hi, I just put my silvertips in with the tigers and thought i would let you know what happened, well - the tiger barbs attacked the silvertip tetras big time :crazy: , the silvertips on the fins seem to attract the barbs, maybe they thought it was food, anyway i had to take them back out, i think the mix would have worked if they were in a tank 3 x bigger than mine. lesson learnt :rolleyes:

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