Will The Chinese Algae Eaters Hurt My Other Fish


Nov 4, 2005
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i have herd that Chinese Algae Eaters some time will kill other fish by sucking on to them and eating away at the other fish i got 3 befor i found that out and the pet store did not have them down as Chinese Algae Eaters when i got them just Algae Eaters they have not hurt any fish yet so i was hopeing some one might say this means all the fish are friends and would never hurt each other :hyper: i hope that is the case but i bet somes going to say when they grew up they may change and eat fish any way give as much info on this subject as can be
Firstly, next time please use a period to separate your sentences. It is exceptionally hard to read and then answer what you are asking. It's only one extra keystroke, and it improves things sooooo much. Clear communication means that you express exactly what you want to say.

Nextly, your info is right. CAEs have a reputation that when they get older they like to rasp on the slime coats of other fish rather than on algae.

That said, every fish is an individual, so really all that can be said is to watch your fish carefully as they grow and figure out how they are acting. Be prepared to either re-home them in a species-only tank, or make sure your LFS will take them back if they get too ornery. Something may have to be done quickly to separate the fish if the bullying starts.
as sadi caes can turn nasty when they get bigger, we had this experience with one that was fine till it grew to about 2 inches long then it started terrorizing our corys all day & night, but i have heard of people who have had a cae for a long time with no problems.
we rehomed our cae & if i was you i would keep a close eye on yours to make sure its not becoming aggressive.
I would suggest you think about returning it to the shop. Because without a shadow of a doubt, the fish will eventually start terrorizing, harassing and even possibly attack other fish - especially bottom dwelling ones.

I kept my CAE for approx three years before I noticed increased territorial behaviour and took him back to the shop when he was approx 3.5 - 4". But some CAE's start causing problems even before that size / age.
Yeah i agree with Bloo take them back to the shop. When i had a larger tank i had two. one killed the other one then the remaining one terrorised my other fish even taking on fish bigger than himself like Keyholes. They are not community fish at all and do not eat algae, plus they do grow to a very large size relatively quickly. LFS's shoudl really stop selling these fish.
hmm i willl give them to my friends cuzen i think cuz they keep all kinds of fish cuz they supply fish for pet stores so its just as good as takeing them back pluss if the fish start acting bad like attacking other fish they fed to oscars she has B)
.......................................oh and Bignose im sorry about my spelling and typing but i realy was bad with spelling and period to separate my sentences :S It is exceptionally hard some times to read and then answer some of my stuff i no and i would do what you are asking but i cant cuz i suck that way sorry :unsure:

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