Will Shrimp Get Eaten Up Like Candy?


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I was thinking of adding a few little shrimpies to my 20 gallon. However... the residents are 4 otos, 5 neon tetras, and a handful of "adult" guppies with babies who get eaten up on a regular basis.

Wouldn't the little cherry shrimps get all gobble up by these tank mates???
Adult cherry shrimp should be ok (I have cherry shrimp with guppies and they leave the adults alone). However baby cherry shrimp will most likely be snacked upon by even the smallest fish (otto's should be ok). Your best bet is to have lots of cover for the shrimp and hopefully they can hide and the population will slowly increase.
Adult cherry shrimp should be ok (I have cherry shrimp with guppies and they leave the adults alone). However baby cherry shrimp will most likely be snacked upon by even the smallest fish (otto's should be ok). Your best bet is to have lots of cover for the shrimp and hopefully they can hide and the population will slowly increase.
Yes like the above post says as long as you have plenty of plant cover for the babies to hide you should be ok. The ottos will be fine with them and not eat them but you may have a problem with the guppies and perhaps the neons. But as said just make sure you have plenty of plant cover.
Great! Thanks.

There is some hornwort, an anubias, java fern, and crypts. The horn wort should work. The few fry who manage to survive hang out in there till too big to be eaten!
Great! Thanks.

There is some hornwort, an anubias, java fern, and crypts. The horn wort should work. The few fry who manage to survive hang out in there till too big to be eaten!

get some java moss they absolutely love it

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