Will plecos grow to the size of the tank?


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada!
I called Petsmart the other day and asked if I could bring back my common pleco, because eventualy it will get too large for my tank (55 Gallons). They wouldn't take it back and said it wont be a problem anyways becuase all the plecos she has had have simply grown according to the size of tank! I didnt think this was true, but hope that it is! Is it true??
Nope, it isnt. Its a myth. It is said that the fish's outside stops growing, but the organs continue growing. This will cause many health problems to the fish.

It's called stunting. Where a fish doesn't have the room to grow properly and it's outer body cannot grow to accomodate it's insides as normal and the fish dies prematurely and riddled with disease.

Not good. Tell the silly bint at the shop to stick that in here pipe and smoke it.
ok, hopefully that wont happen though, becuase almost all sites say 55 Gallons is big enough for a common pleco at adult size. you wouldnt think it would be for a 12 inch fish, but becuase it is so slow moving the sites say it will fit.
The myth about a fish growing to the size of their tank is definately not true.

Like someone already said for some fish their bodies will stop growing but their organs will not. However for others they will continue to grow untill their is absolutely no room whatsoever left in the tank and you will definately have to get rid of them. The Pleco is one of these fish.

A 55 gallon should be ok though as long as it is not overstocked!

Is an absolute bare minimum though.
as long as you have a bare minimum of other fish in there - if you add the rams and things you were talking about the other day, you will be overstocked. IMO, get rid of that pleco and get a smaller variety. Then you can have more of different types of fish. I really dont know why common plecos are so widespread in fish stores - they are so difficult to house! I made the same mistake with my first plec.
I have my adult pleco(12 inch) in my 55g long. I soon realized I had to clear out alot of the plants or he would do it for me, lol. Just as long as you keep the tank simple(large piece of driftewood and maybe a rock cave), he'll be happy imo.
Some fishes stay stunted, even badly :( which it's not good thing either. Some fishes even grow larger in tank than natur (because they get food regularly)

It would be great if you find much larger tank for it, like others wrote earlier.

ps. and even some fishes become too fat in aquariums :lol:
You could try askign a different lfs if they will take it. Another member here was sold a plec without being warned of its eventual size, the shop wouldnt take it back but she called a different one and explaiend and they took it.
Most stores will take back a fish in exchange for another fish or store credit. Not many places will give you money for a fish. If your store doesn't do exchanges i wouldn't shop there anymore.

You can always advertise in the buy swap section of this forum. I don't know if you'll have much luck though, as many members including myself do not have big enough tanks to support them, not to mention they are very common everywhere in the world.

Good Luck!
Yes ClutteryDrawer that was me, and i called the stores on your advice

How crazy though, it was Petsmart (Now called pets at home), that said they would take it, they said they wouldnt pay me but would take it off my hands (which i dont mind so long as he is happily added to a bigger tank)

I havent taken him there yet, purely because i had traces of ammonia a while back and he lost a little of his colour, so i was waiting til he was properly back to his old self before stressing him further (i read that they do get the colour back)

Anyways like Cluttery said, it really is worth just ringing around all your lfs's, or putting a post of here - Pleco looking for new home in *your city*
I'm sure you'll get lots of interest as they are really lovely

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