Will Nerites Survive With An Aggressive Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, England
I have an adult m. rosenbergii shrimp of about 8 inches. She loves tiny snails but I've seen people claim they are safe with large snails they can't gobble up whole. I'm worried she would pester an apple snails ...tentacles or eye stalks, whatever those bits are.

The water is about PH7.8 and pretty hard as I've added coral chips to the filter.

I'm thinking of trying some nerites. Do you think they would survive or would they get stressed if Pickles inspected them too closely?
Nerites are a better option than apple snails, but I have no experience of keeping snails with such large shrimp .

Though anything that is loach safe will most likely be shrimp safe too, and nerites are considered loach safe :good: .

I don't know how large shrimp kill snails, but nerites would be more safe from being crushed by those claws than other snails, because they apparently have much thinker shells.

So in short, nerites are your best choice, but I wouldn't be 100% sure.
From what I've heard (though not from personal experience, so I don't know how reliable it is), large shrimp can pick up larger snails and simply pluck them out of their shells. Are there any nerites with trapdoors? If so, they might be slightly safer...

Incidentally... Rosenbergii. Nice! :D
If you don't mind, could I ask a bit about your tank setup? I'd like to keep rosenbergii myself sometime in the future.
From what I've heard (though not from personal experience, so I don't know how reliable it is), large shrimp can pick up larger snails and simply pluck them out of their shells. Are there any nerites with trapdoors? If so, they might be slightly safer...

If you don't mind, could I ask a bit about your tank setup? I'd like to keep rosenbergii myself sometime in the future.

I'm worried the shrimp will do as you say and scoop out the snail. I'll keep my fingers crossed she doesn't. :(

I'm keeping her on her own in a 70 litre tank (a Jewel Rekord 70) witgh a PH of 7.5, GH/KH of 5dh and temp of about 25c. I filter it with a fluval 105 as I removed the big fluval filter filter when it was housing dwarf shrimp. I've put some branching bogwood and rocks in the tank as she loves to climb. At night she'll climb right up to the water surface and dangle her long claws, fishing for stuff. Food is frozen bloodworm and myasis, with live earthwoirms and pond snails her favourites. She eats flake and catfish tablets but not always and ignores vegetables

She killed all her tankmates - clown barbs and bristlenose plecs - when young and seems happy on her own. I tried her with a male of equal size and she ate him too. She ate all the soft plants like cabomba and digs up the amazon swords to nibble the roots.

To be honest she's very easy to keep. The only issue is feeding. She's about 8" long (or 15" including claws when stretched out) and can eat 8 big earthworms in one sitting. Other times she ignores everything and it goes off in the tank so you'd need to be vigilant about cleaning.

I'll get a pic of the tank and post it. I worry it's a bit small for her but she seems content enough as long as there's enough decor for her to explore and climb on. :)
I wouldn't worry too much about the shrimp scooping out the snails, nerites in particular have a pretty tough operculum, which is why lots of people consider them loach safe :good: .
I had trouble keeping apple snails with Amano shrimps some while ago. The apple snails would just hide all day bacause the Amanos were forever picking on them. The snails were small compared to the female Amanos. And one snail ended up starved to death (assumingly) :-(

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