Ok, i know about the 1" fish per gallon rule, but I have a few fish that might get pretty big-like the rainbow shark, the scissortails, and angelfish. I just don't want to run into problems later when my fish are fully grown. Right now I have a majority of 1" fish w/ the rest 2"-2.5". So there's about 15" of fish at the moment.
I'm thinking about taking the livebearers and painted skirts out and putting them in a 10 gallon and adding a bristlenose pleco to the 29 gallon if I have too many fish.
As for filtration, i have just an undergravel filter.
Just check out my signature and tell me what you think.
I'm thinking about taking the livebearers and painted skirts out and putting them in a 10 gallon and adding a bristlenose pleco to the 29 gallon if I have too many fish.
As for filtration, i have just an undergravel filter.
Just check out my signature and tell me what you think.