Will My Tank Be Safe To Leave?


New Member
Jan 30, 2007
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I was recently given a 10 gallon tank (glass) and had to order a stand from the maker, Rena.

The stand was delivered today and I set it up and filled the tank, etc. However, the stand is the wrong one after checking the sizes and the tank 'overhangs' the edges by approximately 1 inch each end, will my tank be safe until Wednesday or should I just empty it and start again?
Tricky one! I would say empty it thats a lot of stress on the joints. But my brother in law has a 60ltr the front of which over hangs by approx 1" and its been fine! It would worry me though.

Hope this helps.
If you really can't wait for the new base see if you have a strong board that is the same size as the base of you tank. Put this on the stand and then put the tank on that. It will hold like that and there's no stress on the base of the tank.
If you really can't wait for the new base see if you have a strong board that is the same size as the base of you tank. Put this on the stand and then put the tank on that. It will hold like that and there's no stress on the base of the tank.

But then you either have to empty it to put on the correct stand or move when full, never a good idea
If I had a board the same size or slightly larger than the base of the tank, I wouldn't bother about changing the stand. 1- gallons isn't very heavy and if you did have to move it, then just empty out some of the water, not all of it.
I had a choice, leave it full then move it once the new stand arrives and end up with arms like a gorilla :lol:


The better choice, empty it and dismantle the stand and move it 'empty' when the new stand arrives :nod:

Thanks for the help though.
On a slightly different note. You should try not to move tank when they are full or water regardless of size as it can put unnecessary stress on the joins/seals. All that nice water in your tank can end up all over your nice dry floor. Although on th eplus side you now have an indoor swimming pool.

The best method for moving the tank would be what you have done, empty and then move.

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