Will my shrimp's face grow back?


New Member
Aug 9, 2005
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One of my cherry shrimp was doing just fine, and one day I checked the tank and saw that its nose and part of its face that normally sticks out was...gone. I thought at first it was just going through the molting process and having difficulties, but it's been about a week, and he still looks like the picture below. Anyone know if its face will grow back? Poor shrimp. :(
As long as his mouth parts are still functional so that he can eat, his face will grow back at his next moult.

Don't worry too much just yet. :D
hey there im just curious about the plastic thingie in the background of the 2nd shrimp pic ? what is that ? is that a c02 carbonator ? :)
kenneth_kpe said:
hey there im just curious about the plastic thingie in the background of the 2nd shrimp pic ? what is that ? is that a c02 carbonator ? :)

Sorry for the late reply! It's actually a hydro sponge filter. I don't have a CO2 diffuser in that tank because I just got some easy java fern and java moss in there. I like the sponges better because there is less chance that the baby shrimp will be sucked up.

BTW its face grew back! yay. Heres an updated pic:

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