Will my cories fin grow back


New Member
Oct 8, 2003
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One of my cories is missing is top fin and most of his tail, he is just a body. Its kinda funny but kinda sad too. He has been living for the past few weeks but when he's not swiming around like a maniac he is laying on his back and always looks like he is dead. Over time will his top fin and tail grow back? Also I have no clue how it happened because I basically have all tetra and they dont bother anyone. Only fish i can think of are one of my two angels but they dont seem to bother anyone either. Thanks
As long as the body attaching the fin isn't damaged, it should grow back, my dad had an african cichlid who got his tail bit off and it hasn't come back yet
could have been an angel, mine always seem to mind thier own business, but last night i watched a guppy swim by one a little closer than normal and the angle bit him as he wizzed by. wish my 56 gal would finish cycling so i could get the angels out of there. :/

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