Will My Common Pleco Eat Their Eggs?


Sep 3, 2005
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I have a common pleco that has been in my 10g and long 20g but now has been moved to my 55g and was wondering once I get angels for the tank and when they get big enough to spawn will the pleco eat the eggs or will the angels defend the eggs so much that they will start biting him and his fins?
A common will eat the eggs without a problem. The angels will try to nip the plec, but a good size common has such a size advantage, as well as being able to eat the eggs so quickly, that a few nips from a couple of angels will barely distract them. Bristlenose plecs are usually chased off, commons are armored like a tank.
I'd agree with Tolak...A good sized Common pretty much does what it wants...I kept a 7" common for a friend for about two months...I kept him in my 30g with my breeding pair of Convicts and even with the relentless attacks the common managed to wipe out a whole clutch of eggs without care....Convicts are far more aggressive/protective parents so I don't think it would be too much of a contest.

Well so far this pleco is only about 4"-5" long is he big enough to just not have a care and be able to eat the eggs?
Well so far this pleco is only about 4"-5" long is he big enough to just not have a care and be able to eat the eggs?

Couldn't tell you for sure....Every fish has it's own temperment and reaction to things....you could try and see how it goes...There probably isn't a better tank mate to take some cichlid aggression.

Good luck

Well do you want the eggs to hatch or not?
if you do you could always buy a breeder net and put the eggs in it
No I don't want the eggs to hatch so I was wondering if he would get rid of them soon after they were laid and if he wouldn't I was just going to take the eggs out of the tank and either flush them or throw them in trash.

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