Will My Bns Continue Breeding?


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2008
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Hello guys, the BN eggs hatched and I think I might of lost some of them somehow. The wrigglers are still at the end of the cave.

I have a 17L tank that I am using for shrimp and a couple of guppies, would it be a good idea to get shot of the guppies and move the wrigglers from the big tank and put them in the 17L tank until they get a bit bigger?

Am I guarenteed to have some more babies now the BN's are 'at it'?

Many thanks,

If you want to breed them it might be worth looking into a bigger tank to use as a grow out 15-20G should do. Once they have paired aslong as theres good water and food they will carry on breeding. Mine breed every 3 weeks and have 100+ eggs every time. They started about 3 months ago and i now have about 200 fry and thats after selling quite a few.
Yh The odd one will escape to young and get munched but the male does really well at guarding them. Im setting up a 15G for the adults on there own then a few 12G for fry.
At a headcount I'd say I have no more than 15-20 wrigglers, but its the first time these have bred together so perhaps that's why?
How big are they? Its probably just its there first lot. My first lot was about 75 but then my female was fully grown when they first bred.
They still have a way to go until they are full size. I guess the batches will get bigger as they get older.
Yh they should.Are you looking for any more community fish? Im going to sell most of my fish and im in Thetford if your interested.
Thanks for the offer mate, but I'm pretty much stocked for the time being.

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