Goldfish bowl told me that my black widow tetras will find the long fins of the angels tasty and will nip their fins and the angels would do the same. Is this true because I thought I read on here that the two fish were compatible?
You mean I can't put angels with my tetras? Damn it. If somebody would have told me that I would have kept the tetras I origanlly had in the 20g and just moved over the pleco. Well I'm going to get them anyway and if it gets to bad I'll return them. But there was other people on here that said they worked together.
Because I don't think 10 black widow tetras would fit in a 20g and most of the long finned ones are pretty big. I thought black widow tetras were peaceful because in every pet store I go to that has these fish it says peaceful on the tank glass. Then angels were the only ones were it said semi-aggressive.
Many fish shop "peaceful" signs are there to do the best for the shop, sell fish. Black Widows are not aggresive, but at the same time, are a little nippy, and fish that are by nature, a little nippy, will find long fins a temptation. The long finned Black Widows" will be somewaht less inclined because the gross finnage slows them down, but also, being front toothed, a small nip from a tetra can do an appreciable amount of damage.