Will My Betta "colour Up"?

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2013
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Hi guys, I am wondering if my Betta will colour up, or change colours. When I first got him he was nearly black with a bit of a blue tinge as you can see in this pic.

Since having him in a better tank he has turned somewhat blue-er.

I've seen a lot of people talk about how their Betta has changed colours. Do you think mine will?
From personal experience:
I've had a betta very similar to this. You might see him go a shade lighter again, or perhaps develop some turquoise tone to him.
Its just a matter of waiting :'D
You will find that the color of your betta will come down to water parameters and nutrition. Breeders will use great foods like mosquito larvae and other great foods. Brine shrimp are also a great meal for them as well. Freeze dried shrimp is easy to have shipped to your house from amazon.com and other pet stores online.
Live foods rich in Vit.E and beta carotene normally brightens up a dull animal. Dunno how to incorporate that into a betta diet though :-×
In my experience bettas "color up" when introduced to a spacious tank with warm, clean water. While in the store bettas are subjected to cold water that is generally dirty and a cramped cup. As long as you keep his tank clean and the temp around 78 degrees he should brighten up. Bettas that appear to change color after being bought are generally just showing their true color rather than the dull, lifeless color they have at pet stores.
I have had great success with live baby brine shrimp, feeze dried cyclops and fry from Endlers of Least Killies.  I typically gut load the fry with color enhancing flakes from Ken's Aquatics and baby brine shrimp.  It seems the chasing down of prey items really gets the betta in good physical and mental health.
Bettas are notorious for being pale and colorless when at the store in less than optimal conditions especially cold temperatures.  Once a betta has been taken and added to a tank with good water conditions and a warm temperature, you normally are going to see the betta's true color.  Your boy looks like a standard blue with red wash so I do not expect him to change colors but with good care he could get darker more vibrant colors.  Feeding quality foods is important as well.  I recommend a good quality pellet food with occasional treats of frozen brine shrimp/bloodworms.
Yep he looks to be of royal blue coloring to me. He will stay this color most likely. Hes a handsome fella. 

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