Will Mine Breed?


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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Okay here are the corydoras I have:

1 albino cory
1 spotted cory
1 Agassiz cory
and 1 Schwartz cory

Would these breed? We think the albino and the agassiz are females and the schwartz is a male but we are not sure about the spotted since we just got her. And how do you figure out the gender in corys? Does it matter what type of corys they are? Cause we were wondering why they hadnt spawned yet.

I would love it if they did breed. Little corys would be so cute!!! :wub:
As far as i know, they won't crossbreed, just like you cannot cross a peppered cory with a panda cory. When stocking corys, you should have at least 3-4 of each type so they can socialise with their own kind.
here's a nice little image to help you sex your fish:


Your fish WONT breed as you dont have couples of the same species, although unlike Tokis-Phoenix said you can cross breed some cories, I cant remember which will cross breed though.

To help you, as Tokis-Phoenix did say you need 3-4 of the same species, and opposite sexes to breed.

I would try and Identify your albino is it:

- Bronze
- Peppered
- Sterbai

If you want to get into breeding try Bronze Cories that breed relatively easily in the aquairum, I would also advise a species tank, say 10-20 imp. Gallons, for about 5-8 cories, this would give you a better chance of having them breed and there wont be any other fish to eat the eggs. Bronze unlike some species dont normaly eat their own eggs.
Hi halfbloodprincess :)

Sometimes corys of one species will spawn with one of another. If this should happen in your tank (and it probably won't) please don't let the eggs hatch. Hybrid corys are considered freaks among corydoras keepers and the practice of breeding them is looked down on in a big way.

One of my C. sterbai spawned with a C. gossei a short while ago and I was amazed to see it happening. I was disappointed too because I would have welcomed a batch of eggs from either of those species if they had bred with their own kind. Of course, I had to let the eggs get eaten. :/
My mom is getting a species tank for herself for christmas. She said she wants all corys. I told her she should get all one type of corys but she wants different kinds. She plans on getting a 20 gallon. How many corys could be in that? She says she wants:

3 pandas
3 spotted
3 skunk

But would that be to many?

And would they breed if there were three of one kind?

§tudz thank you for that image it was helpful. :)
thats seems fine in a 20gallon
I have 5 Trilineatus in a 15, so you may be able to get some more into a gallon.

Glad the pic helped, I drew it a while ago, and I try to post it every time someone asks about sexing.

I bred bronze cories with only two, but it was more luck than anything else
Hi halfbloodprincess :)

While the C. pandas might eventually spawn, the chances of their doing that in a mixed cory community are less than if they were in a single species tank.

C. arcuatus (skunk corys) are difficult to breed under any circumstances.

There are a lot of "spotted corys," and whether or not they are likely to breed depends on what species she selects.

If she is interested in trying to breed them, I would strongly suggest that she try the C. aeneus (either bronze, albino, or both) or C. paleatus. These will usually spawn when they are ready, with little or no encouragement, and the fry are easy to raise too.

If you will be helping her select her fish, pick out the biggest corys in the tank first. These will almost always be female. Then, once they are in the cup, you can use them as a reference to pick out the slimmer males. :D

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