Will Krill kill?


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
I was in the LPS, and saw some frozen Krill. I love feeding my fish different things for a better diet (right now im feeding pleco discs, flakes, bloodworm, cuccumber, lettuce and zucchini. Looking at my list of fish below, do u think my fish will eat the Krill?
I do like doing the same also and I have 10 varieties of food that I feed my fishes.

How big is your bala? I'm sure the bala will eat it and probably the tiger barbs. Depending on how big the krill are, it may be too big for the other fish.
My tiger barbs wouldnt touch krill. The bala shark might eat it though.
Your bala will definately eat it, but it depends on how big he is and how big the krill are.......One of mine is 7" and the other is 6" the 6" can't eat a whole one so i break it in half.

Another option would be ocean plankton.......even though it come from the sea my balas still lOVE Them!

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