Will It Eat My Plants


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Hi I have seen a small plec in a shop, I have asked how big it grows and they have told me about 12cm which is great.

Can anyone tell me if A Plec will eat my plants and if it will mix well with my red tailed black shark,

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5-6
pH 7

1 Red tailed black shark
10 Lemon Tetra
2 Bolivian Ram
4 Zebra Danio

26 Gallon well planted tank smooth gravel substrate lots of rock and places to hide
Depends which plec it is. Some do and some don't and there is hundreds of different types out there!!

Need some more info from your shop if possible??
The most commonly sold plecos are sailfin plecos, common plecos and bristlenose plecos. If you can't get any pics of the pleco, check out these links first with pics of the above mentioned plecos;
Common plec;


Sailfin plec;


Bristlenose plec;


Most plecs won't eat plants, but larger pleco's may accidently uproot plants as they patrol the bottom of the tank, so any plants which you do have should be firmly planted down with established root networks.
If your plec doesn't look exactly like any of the juvenile specimens in the pics in the above links, please say and give a more detailed description of the plec- either way, it should be fine with the RTBS as long as you give them both adequate decent sized hiding places/caves and things in the tank. The important thing is ID'ing the pleco so you can find out how big it grows and what sort of diet and habitat it needs :nod: .

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