Fish Crazy
I was thinking last night, about the next tank I'm going to get. I was wondering, since I am changing from gravel to sand with the new one, but using the same filter (its rated for up to 50gals) If I'm moving the filter over, and the gravel in a stocking to put on the sand, will my tank be safe for the fish right away? (The temp will be monitored until its the same as the old tank before moving fish & filter)
Also all the decor from old tank will be put in. I'm thinking yes, because all the benificial bacteria will be there with the exception of the stuff on the old tanks' walls, but I'm not sure lol. I could also use the old water, but I dont think that makes much difference.
Also all the decor from old tank will be put in. I'm thinking yes, because all the benificial bacteria will be there with the exception of the stuff on the old tanks' walls, but I'm not sure lol. I could also use the old water, but I dont think that makes much difference.