Will ick ever just "go away"?

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Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
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My eel has ick and im not going to treat him with anti-ick because everybody says it will kill him so i was wondering, might the ick just fade out and he get better or no? :blink:
I'm lead to believe that once a fish has been cured of ich,
it then can become a carrier of the disease.
I'm not sure if this is true or not, but it is worth keeping in
mind for future purchases.
instead of medication specifically for ich, could a salt bath do the trick? or is that a bad idea? i don't know that much about eels
ICH NEVER dies. Ever time you add a fish you put it back. The only way to kill it off is temp and salt. 90% of tanks in the world have ICH. It lives in the tank asleep. And when the fish is stressed it strikes, but I have yet to see a fish infected (like lots of white spots) just heal. I would do some reaserch on salt and heat treatment on the net.

www.google.com is a great place to start.
Da_Oz said:
ICH NEVER dies. Ever time you add a fish you put it back. The only way to kill it off is temp and salt. 90% of tanks in the world have ICH. It lives in the tank asleep. And when the fish is stressed it strikes, but I have yet to see a fish infected (like lots of white spots) just heal. I would do some reaserch on salt and heat treatment on the net.

www.google.com is a great place to start.
How do you treat a tank with clown loaches (since they don't tolerate salt)?

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