Will I Overstock My Tank?


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
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hi, this isn't really a corydora related topic, but just a general tank question.
here's my tank:

10 gallon
small smooth gravel substrate
live java fern
live java moss
fake log decoration and another fake wood decoration/cave with fake plants
its filtered and heated with a thermometer

current inhabitants:

3 amano shrimp
6 glowlight tetra
2 Corydoras leucomelas
1 panda corydora

i would like to maybe add 3 neon tetras. i originally went to the fish store to get neons, but the workers said that the stock they had now were weak and died easily, so i got the glowlights instead. i like them, but i would like to add 3 neons to add a little more color to my tank. is this a good idea? or will i be over stocking it?
thanks :)
You should only have one thread with this same question. That way, you can see all of the responses in one thread and the folks that answer can see what debates might come up. You might want to have this deleted as a duplicate thread. :nod:
An active Mod will even move threads that don't belong. Post this question in ChitChat or the Newbie forum or Cyprinids. If you want to chat in different forums, think up new questions related to the forum. :shifty:

You are welcome here at TFF, Inty. Ask me about yourCories.

But, in my opinion, if the tank is well espablished, you have not added any other fish for a while, have aggressive filtration and an air stone, do extra water changes

No Problem with 3 neons--but I would add 3 glo lights. :) Tetras do best in groups of 5-6 or more.
yes, i know i shouldn't have posted this twice, but after i posted it on this page, i thought that it was more relevant to the 'new to the hobby' one instead :blush: i wasn't sure how to delete this one. hehe sorry about that. :look:
I say as you could add more than 3 neons . They don't do much to the bioload so go with 4 or 5
I, personally, don't really care if you post in more than one forum. If you are asking about Cories or a tank that has Cories and also about new tank syndrome--go for it. You will just get more relevant information usually from the appropriate forums.
Going by the pracktical fishkeeping calculator, you could probably go to about 15-20 inches worth of fish. I reckon you're on about 12 at the moment, not including the shrimp so a couple of neons would be ok, but i agree with Straydum, you need more panda cory's really. Personally i'd add a couple more pandas, also neons prefer to be in larger groups anyway. Perhaps your next tank?

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