hi, this isn't really a corydora related topic, but just a general tank question.
here's my tank:
10 gallon
small smooth gravel substrate
live java fern
live java moss
fake log decoration and another fake wood decoration/cave with fake plants
its filtered and heated with a thermometer
current inhabitants:
3 amano shrimp
6 glowlight tetra
2 Corydoras leucomelas
1 panda corydora
i would like to maybe add 3 neon tetras. i originally went to the fish store to get neons, but the workers said that the stock they had now were weak and died easily, so i got the glowlights instead. i like them, but i would like to add 3 neons to add a little more color to my tank. is this a good idea? or will i be over stocking it?
here's my tank:
10 gallon
small smooth gravel substrate
live java fern
live java moss
fake log decoration and another fake wood decoration/cave with fake plants
its filtered and heated with a thermometer
current inhabitants:
3 amano shrimp
6 glowlight tetra
2 Corydoras leucomelas
1 panda corydora
i would like to maybe add 3 neon tetras. i originally went to the fish store to get neons, but the workers said that the stock they had now were weak and died easily, so i got the glowlights instead. i like them, but i would like to add 3 neons to add a little more color to my tank. is this a good idea? or will i be over stocking it?