Will High Temps Kill Over Time?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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So I have had my little cory Cats for almost a year maybe 10 months. They spawned for me and were doing great untill now. I moved the corys in with my Discus and I keep the tank at 83-85F The discus are doing great growing fast have good color. But the corys are not. I have 3 panda corys one just died today 2 albino 5 bronze. All have short barbs. This is my Discus tank so I do daily WC and clean the sand. So Water quality is not an issue. They have only been eating what the Discus get and that's blood worms and beefheart mix with a little bit of Veggie Flakes.

Since these cory cats were fine untill I brought the temp up. Is it the high temps that are causing stress to their system making them weak. I'm going to have to move them all too a cooler tank I think. Because I have had one corys bards get short but did large daily WC and the barbs started to grow back. Maybe the sand is not getting a clean as it should because the beefheart mix does make a mess. Cory Cats are the only fish that ever give me problem.

They all swim around fine and happy but the barbs are getting shorter and shorter. I will move them ASAP. But any idea why this is going on?
Your temp is way to high for most cories and will definately shorten their life-span.
Average temps for cories is around mid seventies,the only cory i've read that prefer warmer temps is sterbai corys.
It may be possible the mess from the beefheart mix is fouling the sand,causing maybe bacterial infection in the barbs,you may be better asking this question on the emergency section...
Hi snowflake311 :)

I agree with Harlequins on this. The water in a discus tank is way too warm for either C. panda or C. aneaus species. It would be better if you moved them to a much cooler tank.
Yup that's what I was thinking I will move them asap. Thanks.

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