Will Hermits Kill Hermits ?


New Member
Feb 28, 2006
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I have already got a largest hermit crab ( 2 Inch ) He does a good job keeping tank clean but I feel its time to add some smaller clean up hermits proberly Blue leg hermits.

Couple of questions

Will my larger hermit attack the smaller ones ?
Are Blue leg hermits the best for clean up crew is it true they don't grow big ?

Many thanks
I've been advised that red and blue will live happily in a large tank but in a smaller one may come to disagree on grassing grounds. Also when a larger crab wants a new shell he may pull snails or other crabs for there shells.
Blue legs are quite aggressive and can and will take on Red legs and most snails so they are a 'with caution' adittion. Red legs are better for algae eating whereas Blue legs are better at detritus eating as they are smaller and can fit in smaller spaces.
There's plenty of different species of hermit crabs around, not just red and blue legs, search around the web and you may find something better.
Im after Hermits that don't grow large. Am I right in saying Red legs can grow massive but blue legs stay small ? I have one normal hermit ( Dont know what type had him years ) but hes starting to get quite big so dont want anymore like this. I want ones that can help clear up fish waste in the smaller areas of the tank.

Anyone recommend somewhere to Buy in the uk ? Use to be able to mail order if I remember right is or this cruel ?

Many thanks
Red legs are a good choice less aggresive and they remain small 2.5inc max. As all hermits like to move home every now and then, its a good idea to provide spare shells.
Check out ebay i have seen some good prices. Try and wait for spring to be well under way as cold weather will raise the percentage of DOA.
Scarlet hermits are smaller still at 1.5inc but im not sure if you can trust a supplier to tell the difference. But both will do a fine job.
I have Blue legs that are as big as my Red legs and that's not uncommon but generally Red legs are slightly larger than Blue legs. A lot depends on the size of shells availabe for them to grow into as well.

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