Will Green Tiger Barbs


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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Hi folks,

Currently in my 28 gallon I have:

1 pleco L001
1 BN pleco
2 Rosey Barbs (1 male 1 female)
6 neons
2 armoured catfish
1 male krib
4 amano shrimps

My tank is fully planted with a sand substrate and excellent filtration.

I want to add something with a bit of pizzaz, and really fancy 6 green tiger barbs, but I am not sure if they are compatible with what I have. I cant see any probs apart from maybe the neons.
Always tricky with Tiger barbs, the neons and rosy barbs could very easily get picked on. Normally the answer is to get a decent sized group, such as 8 - they then tend to keep to themselves. I think that would be pushing you stocking levels a little though.

Certainly possible but with an element of risk.
I think that would be pushing you stocking levels a little though.
I think putting in a large enough group to reduce the possibility of major problems would be pushing your stocking level a lot.
The stocking issue had crossed my mind, what if the rosy barbs were rehoused?
You are talking about adding 6-8 fish that will grow to over 50mm each, that are very active and like a lot of swimming space. Yes, getting rid of the, (IMHO much nicer), B. conchonius will help, but it is never going to be really ideal.
mmmm :/ ok then I will maybe just have to wait.

I have a 35 gallon 5ft tank needing repaired so I might use that once its done.

cheers guys :)
a 35 gallon 5ft tank
That raised my eyebrow. That must be a very odd shaped 5ft tank. When you said in your first post a "28 gallon", what actual physical dimensions does it have?

I have assumed throughout that despite you being European, and this being a European board, when we talk gallons, you know we mean US gallons not Imperial gallons. The poor dears over there can't do the conversion for themselves so all of us have to use their quaint measures.

1 Imperial Gallon = 4.546 liters
1 US Gallon = 3.785 liters
lol, I just use the imperial one its easier dunno what it is in us gallons

the 5ft tank is 60"x15"x12" its about 34 or 35 uk gallons, its really long but only a foot wide.

My 4ft tank is in uk gallons too. its 48x15x12. Its actually 26 uk gallons not 28.
A 48" is much more suitable to TB's then what I had in my minds eye. After rehousing the conchonious, then I would have no problems adding 6-7 TB's.
A 48" is much more suitable to TB's then what I had in my minds eye. After rehousing the conchonious, then I would have no problems adding 6-7 TB's.

excellent news, because my mate said he would take my rosy barbs from me.

yeah the 4ft tank has good space for them to swim up and down. :good:

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