Will Goldfish Eat Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I have amano shrimp and I want goldfish. Will they be ok together? I know that shrimp are supposed to be in warm water. I think I read something about amano shrimp being from rivers. I keep my tank at the lower end of the "tropical" temp. I am putting together a new tank and I want to keep my shrimp and put some goldfish in it.
small goldfish will be fine but the bigger ones might try to eat the shrimp if they are hungry. If there are lots of plants in there the shrimp should be fine but goldfish are vegetarian and eat plants. Having a combination of real and artifical plants is a good way to go. And feeding the goldfish lots of vegetables can also help limit the plants they eat.
As for temperature goldfish can live in warm water without any problems and in fact the more fancy varieties actually do better in sligtly warmer water, above 15 degrees C. If you want to keep both then having a temp about 22-24 degrees C will be fine.
Hm i wouldn't personally advise trying it, the vast majority of goldfish will grow large enough to eat most types of shrimp at some point so the shrimps safety would not be assured in the long term. Goldfish are also omnivores, not vegetarians, so benefit from having a little bit of everything in a varied diet, although veg is still very important because its one thing a lot of people don't put enough of into their goldfishes diets :nod: .
Hm i wouldn't personally advise trying it, the vast majority of goldfish will grow large enough to eat most types of shrimp at some point so the shrimps safety would not be assured in the long term. Goldfish are also omnivores, not vegetarians, so benefit from having a little bit of everything in a varied diet, although veg is still very important because its one thing a lot of people don't put enough of into their goldfishes diets :nod: .

lol you beat me too it Tokis :hyper:

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