Will Different Tetras Shoal Together?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2007
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I was thinking of buying some different tetras (at least five of each type, don't worry!) I was just wondering if they would shoal together? Obviously they will with their own species, I was just wondering if they would generally mix with the other species as well.

The ones I was considering were Cochu's Blue Tetra (my favourite) with some Black Neons. What are these fish like? If not, it will probably end up being standard Neons with the Blacks.
don't know about all tetra's but my neons and cardianls all shoal and play together,

Shoaling/schooling is a defensive behaviour. Small fish that feel threatened school up to avoid predation. In typical tanks, there is no benefit in schooling, so most "schooling fish" will do their own thing.

In threatening situations, they school up, if they have none of their own, they school up with similar species. If they are that scared, then you have other issues.

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