Will Different Danios School Together?


Fish Herder
Apr 15, 2010
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I am still doing a fishless cycle and reading up on different types of fish. Based on the surface area of my tank, we will be limited to about 28" of fish fully stocked. I read up on a lot of attractive looking fish (Zebras, Neon Tetras, Harlequins, etc.) where the recommendation is usually shoaling "at least 6" together. This certainly eats up our 28" quickly!

So - I saw the thread where Zebra Danios will apparently school with Glofish, but I was also curious if other Danios might school together, allowing us a little more variety in our stock plan. Such as Pearl Danio and Zebras, etc.

If anyone has any experience with these different types schooling together, please let me know.


Greenville Guy
Leopard danios are another type of zebra danio, so I would think that they would school with other fish too, if this helps :)
In case anyone else wonders - Zebra Danios and Glofish Danios do school together and interact equally. After two weeks in the tank, I observe equal interactions between the glos and zebras. Very active tank, and I like the results of seeing the two types of fish zip around the aquarium!
in the absence of the same species yes diferent conspecifics will school together.
I believe Glofish are genetically modified Zebra Danios, originating from around 1950, that were created to detect radiation leaks. Given that I've read that these fish will shool together from several places, I find it curious as to what criteria are used by the fish to decide that the other type is just another colour/pattern variation and are therefore good playmates. Perhaps the body-shape is a more important factor for Danios, or something else...

Just be mindful that despite their small size, most Danios are hyper-active fish, which means they will be much happier in a tank bigger than the rewuirements for a typical ~5cm fish. My Pearls did not enjoy their quarantine period in my Korrall60 (60cm long), becoming lethargic and losing colour. However, on return to the Rio240 (120cm long), they returned to their playful and beautifully coloured ways!

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