Will Danios eat Molly fry?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eglinton, North of Ireland
I have a 40 Gal tank and currently have 8 mollies and 8 neons. I also recently was the proud parent of at least 5 molly fry, 4 of which are still alive. Each fry is about 1 cm long and don't seem to be too bothered by the other fish. Before the birth of the fry I had intended to get a school of about 6 zebra danios, however I have read that they are semi aggressive. Should I wait until the fry are a bit bigger before I get any more fish. Will they eat my fry?
Danios will attempt to eat anything that moves and will fit in their mouths as a reflex reaction.

However in my experience they are not nearly as devastating as Angelfish and will not hunt down fry, just eat them if they see them.

I have had swordtail fry and generally one or two survived each batch, once they are about 1cm long then they should be safe, with only six zebras, more will probably survive especially if there are a lot of plants.

Sadly the only way you will really find out is to get some and learn the hard way.

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