Will CTs become like VTs?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
My CTs all came from the LFS, and the last time I was there, I asked them if they got them from a local breeder or what, and they told me no -- they get all their bettas from their main supplier and they now had a box on the order form for "Crowntail Bettas" so they ordered some.

So I'm wondering -- if CTs start to be mass-marketed in stores, will they become like VTs? -- Meaning, will they become so mass-produced that they won't breed true and/or they won't be worth as much? (And I'm not insulting VTs! They're every bit as pretty, but I think you all know what I mean.)

Or will it just be a matter of whether you buy a petstore CT or a CT from a breeder?

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts on this are?
I dont think they will replace VT's any time soon. VT's are too cheap. You might see more and more pets stores selling CT's but for more than VT"S. None of the Pet store chains near me sell CT's yet, but all of the smaller pet stores near me have them.
none of the stores around here have anyhting except VT's.
i doubt it....

i've finally found ONE place that has crowntails...and thats just for now...they've just recently ordered them. they don't like ordering them though, because people don't like paying $7 for a betta when they can get them for $3 normally. so they don't sell good.

so i don't think crowns will ever replace viels. :no:
Huh... maybe it's just where I live then!

My LFS sells them for the same price as the regular veils ($3 or $4 -- I can't remember off hand). I've seen them at our local Petco a couple times too (mostly red ones).
Betta's with CT blood have become common here the past two months. But the ones that sell cheap are round tails and other Betta's which obviously have CT blood but have very short extensions/rays.
The crowntail strain was created in Indonesia by Mr Ahmad Yusuf and introduced to the IBC by Mr Henry Yin. In these past 5 years, more breeders from all over (e.g. US, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore) have gotten their hands on this beautiful strain and started producing their own crowntails. I believe that as the supply increase, the demand for crowntails will eventually be met. All it takes is for those who are currently supplying the common veiltails to your LFS to get their hands on crowntails and start breeding/supplying crowntails. With more supplies, I'm quite sure the price will go down.

The betta breeding/supplying business no longer brings in as much profit to Indonesian breeders/suppliers as before. Most of them have switched to breeding/supplying other pets (e.g. birds). Today, Thailand is the major supplier of bettas (including crowntails) to Singapore.
I don't think "good quality" CTs will become as common as VTs, but I'm sure they'll become more common than they are now. I've already noticed an increase in combtails at LFSs, though.
i talked to the hea dof the fish room at aqaurium services and he said he was going to order me 6 short finned males and he said they'd only be a dollar more then the regular VT's although they had a lot of round/comb tails last time i was there which was when i asked but i havent been there since so i dont know if he got me any short finned males or not, i'm going tomorrow though so we'll see
o yea i c it happening, i mean im sure vts will always be around as the most popular betta but i think crowntails are going to be makeing their appearance at walmart and small lfs more often. iv even seen ct/vt bettas it has the dorsal of a ct and it also had the ct large spikey side fins. but the rest was vt, it was a mutt i gues, doesn't mean anything but i thogh it was werid -_-
I have a feeling that VT can be produced with more consistent quality. Got to pick-up three crowns from a batch of 40 fish that were being sold recently for $2.50. I was surprised at the disparity in fin qualifty, and none of them match those $35 Kelson/Stingray Crowns I have seen.

I think the quality crowns will always commanf a premium price. Same way the Halfmoons do. I can imagine you can have a entire spawn without a single show class crown.

The number of combtail and roundtails here has increased as I mentioned earlier and these are sold for the same price as the VT's.
well, where i live, i have like 3 shops that i know of that sell cts, but guess what? chicken butt :lol: most of them are dead or close to dead, or are sick

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