Will Cories Be Ok Sharing With Bigger Plecs?

I cant say if a Bristlenose will hassle corydoras but I have some C. leopardus and schwartzi with 11 Panaque 5" to 11" and a 15" Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps and have never seen any aggression directed towards them.
Can i ask a quick question although the pleco in question for me is a common pleco L001.
Can corydoras share a 4ft tank with a full grown common pleco?

ive got 5 pepper corys with a fully grown BN and they are fine
Fully grown commons get to about 2ft and bns get to about 6". I was asking because my neighbor has a 4ft tank with a fully grown common pleco in it and they want some corydoras but wanted me to ask to see if there was any chance of bad things happening or of it ending in tears.

the only bad bloody i personally ive seen a plec do is hit a fish on the way up and down the tank for air
There is another thing to consider too and that's sanitation. Corydoras require a very clean environment and plecos are noted for eating a lot of vegetables and producing a lot of poo. Not only does this clog the filters up but it settles down into the gravel or lays on top of the sand. Spoiling vegetables in the tank (which to some extent they will be) is another factor that will add further complications to the water condition.

Right now I have a pair of BN plecos in a 30 gallon, a 29 gallon, and a 55 gallon, all with cory communities. They seem to ignore each other. With careful feeding, weekly 50% water changes, and good substrate vacuumings, I find they work out well. However, I sometimes feel like I'm pushing my luck and would never put larger plecos in those same tanks.


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