Will Clown Killifish Breed In A Community Tank?

totally tropical

Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
The Boro
I have just purchased a number of very small clown killifish - just wondered if it is at all possible breeding in a community tank?

I have read that in terms of breeding, keeping them alone in their own tank is the way to go. Is this the one and only option to successfully breed these beauties?
I have bred quite a few strains/geo. locations of Ps. annulatus.
and to be honest if your looking to breed any fish sp. then you need to be thinking about water conditions etc. specific to the species you wish to breed. So total separation and conditioning needs to be employed if you are looking for any type of success.

Is this the one and only option to successfully breed these beauties?

Probably not as they need specific water condition to breed successfully. They prefer live food, which if administered in a community tank environment would mean that they would find it hard to compete with faster more boisterous species.
Not to mention predation from other tank mates. Ps. annulatus fry are minute and require paramoecium for the first few days. Most breeders keep them in species tanks, set up for this sole purpose. They most often than not don't collect the eggs from the mops and let the fry. hatch in the parent tank, which is heavily planted with surface vegetation, where they will find enough microscopic food to get them through the first couple of days after which newly hatched brineshrimp can be offered.
Older fry will eat smaller siblings and as the males grow larger and quicker than the females then the females suffer the most from predation. so they have to be separated. Don't be fooled by their small size these little beauties can scrap with skirmishes taking place all the time amongst the males.

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