Barbus titteya, (Cherry Barb), is a non shoaling/schooling fish best kept as a pair, or trio 1 male 2 females. In smaller tanks 2 males together may fight, they need enough space to keep out of each others way.
If your tank is large enough and you have enough Tiger Barbs, (6+), so they keep their aggression amongst themselves, a pair of Chery Barbs will probably be okay with them. The Cherry's tend to stay pretty close to the bottom, and the frenetic activity of the TB's will all go on above their heads.
I am assuming you mean Green Tiger Barbs by the way. Real Green Barbs, (Barbus semifasciolatus), are somewhat rare in the hobby these days, which is a shame. These grow much larger then either Cherry or Tiger Barbs. Very peaceful and sedate, they may be upset by TB's.