Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
got someone coming for our tail spot blenny on saturday morning. knowing that blenny's are a nightmare to catch, hide in rock work and generally piss about I was gonna take the tank apart, catch him and then put him in a breeding net in t he main tank overnight until the bloke came to get him. Save me pissing about trying to catch him with this bloke standing around. Then I realised I've got a spare 10gal doing nothing. If i scrub it out and fill it with saltwater, put a small powerhead/empty filter in there for some circulation and a heater he'd be OK in there overnight wouldn't he? What do you reckon. It'd unfiltered, but one small blenny in a 10gal overnight.... he's not gonna make that much waste! If I can find some LR with no holes in I'll put some in but if I put some with holes in then he'll just dissapear into it and I'll have the whole trauma again.
That sound like a plan that could work???
That sound like a plan that could work???