Will Bettas Eat Snails?


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I've been finding empty snail shells in Condoriano's (my female betta) tank. The snails probably hitch-hiked on the plants from my main tank. She's especially gluttonous and likes to bite my fingers thinking I have food, I don't care, it just feels weird. And her eating is why I reconsidered getting some ADFs for tankmates. So, do bettas eat snails?

And what are some good tankmates for bettas? Not for Condoriano, but for my new betta boy. He's in a ten gallon, and I do think I'll be getting some ADFs if he isn't too greedy about his food.
I had pest snails (PM me if you want a cure as this is off topic) and I never saw my Betta go for them and like yours he is always hungry!

My betta's tanks mates are in the sig. No harrassment / fin nipping problems whatsoever.

never heard of bettas eating snails, maybe the snails dies and other snails ate the remains.i have my bettas in seperate tanks along with bottom dwellers(corys/shrimp) and other small fish such as cardinal tetra and ADF's.to be honest, ive had platies with my bettas in communitys because ive had no choice and they have been fine but that could be luck and i wouldn't risk it again.
Well, my betta flares at my pest snails. :rolleyes: and then procedes to rip them off of the tank wall and then catch them in his mouth only to rip them off of the wall again... Never eats them though.

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