Will Bettas constantly flare if?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I have a new 54 litre tank ( 14 US gallons )

Right now 1 of my bettas is in the main tank and another is in there as well but inside of a big breeding net. He's only there temporarily until I get the dividers for the tank. I figured he was better off in there because theres a heater and I think at nights the temp was getting too cold for him just in his bowl.

What I want to know is if my Bettas are going to constantly flare at eachother or will they calm down after awhile?

Will they be stressed being so close to eachother and seeing eachother all the time?

Also I have another betta who just compleatly shredded his tail..no idea why..it happened in a matter of just an hour or two. I put some fungus meds in with him because I was afraid the shreds might lead to fin rot...anyways...I am wondering if I can add him to the tank as well...or if the fin rot is contagious and it's best to leave him in a bowl by himself for now?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before..I've searched but couldn't find anything so I figured I'd ask.

Well it's been 5 hours and they are still flaring at eachother. Are they ever gonna calm down or?

I just really want to know....especially if it's causing them stress?
They're just very excited no need to fret Eliz! I would also give some fin rot medicine to your betta just to heal him up
Sorry, you posted during the middle of the night for me, which is why I haven't responded until now.

They will eventually calm down as they get used to each other. Flaring is not bad for them and you have nothing to worry about, it's very natural and actually good for them, it's like excersice for them and gives them something to do.


Edit to answer the other question: As for the fin rot, I would leave him in his own bowl until he's healed up. Fin rot can spread to the other fish and being in his own bowl will make it easier to treat.
I agree with Linda on the flaring issue.

The fins being shredded:

If you betta does NOT have fin rot for sure, do NOT medicate. If his fins are just shredded, you may want to put some aquarium salt, which will help heal his fins. Also, you may not want to use aquarium salt IF you keep fish that are sensitive to salt, i.e. otos, cories etc. If it's just the two bettas, some aquarium salt would be good for them.

If your fish does have finrot, for sure, you will need to separate them into their own bowls/tanks. You do not want to spread the disease among your fish. Then medicate properly. I used maracyn II and aquarium salt for fin rot and my betta was starting to show signs of improvement after one dose cycle. Others may use something else. It's up to you.

Anyway, HTH!
could the fins be tore up by anything you have in his bowl? plastic plants? rough gravell?

hmm... every time i come to this board i'm convinced i need to go buy more supplies. i get paid today, so i suppose i'll go out and buy some aquarium salt. ^_^
Hi everyone,

That's the prob with living in Sweden...while I'm awake everyone else is sleepin lol.

Thanks for your replies and sorry if I sounded a bit much....I was just worried as I have never had bettas in with eachother. Actually I've only ever owned a betta at a time...but now I am getting more into them and currently own 3.

I am really glad to know that the 2 guys arn't stressed and that they will eventually calm down. They are still flaring at eachother it's been about 7 hours..you'd think they would get tired. :nod:

The other betta he's by himself in a bowl. I actually don't think it's fin rot....I think maybe he chewed his own tail off. I saw another post here with a pic of a betta and mine looks exactly the same. I've posted about him before about how his fins have gotten really short and I didn't know why. I'm thinking he might of had fin rot and I didnt notice and then healed by himself and his fins were just permently damaged.

There weren't any sharp decorations in with him...the only other explanation is I had 2 adf's living with him. Although they had lived together before ( bout a month ago I took them out though cause I wanted to give my betta some salt) even in a smaller bowl and they got along fine. Maybe the betta was upset with the new guys and chewed his own tail off....or I guess it's possible the frogs ate his tail...but I find that unlikly as they are almost blind that they can't even grab food when I stick it in front of their faces.

I did notice before I noticed his tail was shredded that there were 2 small holes in his tail fin. The guy at the pet store said he didn't think it was fin rot because if it was I would of noticed white around the edges and I didn't.

Anyways...frogs are living by themselves now.

Sorry for the long post..just wanted to fill everyone in.

Thanks for all your help!! Really appriciate it :thumbs: ;)
The male could be chewing his fins. They get excited sometimes. I notice after letting certain males flare at another male, the next day they have chewed their caudals. I would do daily water changes, and use melafix. That is what it is good for, fin damage.
f250fisherman I think your right!!

Now that I think about it....once I brought the new guys home...I thought my older betta would love to flare at real Bettas and not just a mirror so I took his bowl and set it by the other guys at let them flare at eachoter for 20-30 mins...and it was the next day that his fins were all shredded...so he did probably chew his own fins off after he got excited.

That makes perfect sense!!

Thanks so much for your help...I'll do the daily water changes..but they don't sell Melafix here so I'm just going to have to use aquarium salt.
Hi again, Just wanted to update everyone!

The little guys have calmed down now. Not really even bothered by eachother anymore. Just the occasional flare when they pass by.

They are getting used to me too...coming to the front when I'm around. I got them to eat some bloodworms this morning too. They previously weren't really eating which I was a little worried but figured it was because they are in a new home.

Well anyways just wanted to share :)
thats good to hear, Yeah i had one that would flare even after a week and he finally calmed down. the other fellow he was flaring at gave up after a day...some can be persistent....gotta love bettas...

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