Will BettaFix work?


New Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Perth Western Australia
Hi All,
I have two male Betta's in a two compartment 1L tank (seperator between). I have been treating the tank with BettaFix for the last week as one of my Betta's (Fergus) looked like he had tail -rot, my other Betta (Percy) was fine. I've just noticed today that Percy has one raised scale on his side and possibly a slight white stringy patch near it. Problem is, I haven't been able to do a water change while using the BettaFix so the water is pretty manky and the white stringy thing could just be debris etc.. but the raised scale concerns me and seems to me like fungus. Percy seems perfectly happy, blowing lots of bubbles, as does fergus, whose tail seems to be regrowing. I'm going to do a complete water change tomorrow should I just retreat with BettaFix (the bottle says I can) - Does anyone Have any ideas as to whether BettaFix might work for fungus/bacteria? or should I try something else? I could just be paranoid since fergus's tail started to disapear! The BettaFix website says it works against bacteria and fungus but I'm not sure! Any help greatly appreciated
I'm not sure if it will.

I used bettafix in my betta hex and bowl on two different bettas, and it didn't work either time. I'm not sure if it does work. :dunno:

If it doesn't work, you might want to consider something stronger, though since you don't have filtration (I'm guessing) and it's such as a small tank, it might be risky treating your fish without knowing exactly how much of a certain med you should use.
Bettafix is actually more for slightly frayed fins for small holes, tears in the fins. It's really not the best thing for bad bacterial or fungal infections, despite what the manufacturer claims. It's a dilluted version of melafix. For a fungus, you'd probably be better off using BettaMax which contains antibiotics. Or some other stronger medication. Although, wuvmybetta swears by collodial silver as a natural remedy for a number of things. I've used it as well for finrot.

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